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[Download] See You Around, Sam! de Lowry Lois Lowry Libros Gratis en EPUB

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See You Around, Sam! de Lowry Lois Lowry

Descripción - Críticas 'This is a perfect choice for introducing young listeners to chapter books as common threads are carried throughout, and both humor and pathos are abundant. Long-time friends of the Krupniks will sink their teeth into this latest installment with relish. Fangs alot, Lois Lowry!' School Library Journal, Starred Reseña del editor Sam Krupnik, mad at his mother because she won't let him wear his newly acquired plastic fangs in the house, decides to run away to Alaska. There, he can look like the walruses with their tusks--at least they would let him wear his fangs. But as Sam says goodbye to his neighbors, he receives more advice and survival tools than he knows what to do with. Will Sam have to change his mind about Alaska? Biografía del autor Lois Lowry is known for her versatility and invention as a writer. She was born in Hawaii and grew up in New York, Pennsylvania, and Japan. After several years at Brown University, she turned to her family and to writing. She is the author of more than thirty books for young adults, including the popular Anastasia Krupnik series. She has received countless honors, among them the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award, the California Young Reader’s Medal, and the Mark Twain Award. She received Newbery Medals for two of her novels, NUMBER THE STARS and THE GIVER. Her first novel, A SUMMER TO DIE, was awarded the International Reading Association’s Children’s Book Award. Ms. Lowry now divides her time between Cambridge and an 1840s farmhouse in Maine. To learn more about Lois Lowry, see her website at

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: See You Around, Sam!
  • Autor: Lowry Lois Lowry
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Desarrollo y cuestiones personales y sociales
  • Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 714 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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