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Descargar Ebook Splat the Cat Goes to the Doctor de Rob Scotton PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Splat the Cat Goes to the Doctor de Rob Scotton

Descripción - Reseña del editor Splat the Cat can't wait to go to the doctor for a checkup! That is, until his friends start talking about all the scary things a doctor's visit can mean. But Splat conquers his fear of the doctor's office and learns it isn't so bad after all--especially when you get a surprise at the end! Young readers will delight as they watch all the funny ways their favorite furry friend tries to avoid getting a checkup in this hilarious Splat the Cat storybook, complete with a sheet of stickers. Contraportada Splat the Cat can't wait to go to the doctor for a checkup! That is, until his friends start talking about all the scary things a doctor's visit can mean. But with a little encouragement from Mom, Splat learns the doctor's not so bad after all—especially when you get a surprise at the end! Biografía del autor Rob Scotton is the bestselling author and illustrator of Russell the Sheep; Russell and the Lost Treasure; Russell's Christmas Magic; Splat the Cat; Love, Splat; Merry Christmas, Splat; and Scaredy-Cat, Splat! His work can also be found on greeting cards, ceramics, textiles, prints, stationery, and glassware. An honors graduate of Leicester Polytechnic, Rob now lives in Rutland, England, with his wife, Liz, who is also an artist. You can visit Rob Scotton online at Scotton is the bestselling author and illustrator of Russell the Sheep; Russell and the Lost Treasure; Russell's Christmas Magic; Splat the Cat; Love, Splat; Merry Christmas, Splat; and Scaredy-Cat, Splat! His work can also be found on greeting cards, ceramics, textiles, prints, stationery, and glassware. An honors graduate of Leicester Polytechnic, Rob now lives in Rutland, England, with his wife, Liz, who is also an artist. You can visit Rob Scotton online at

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Splat the Cat Goes to the Doctor
  • Autor: Rob Scotton
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Literatura y ficción
  • Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 435 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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